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15 Best Beard Styles Without Moustache: How to Guide + Examples

We know that some beard enthusiasts struggle with the hassle of trimming and taming that pesky upper lip hair. If the moustache is long and not properly styled, the longer hairs can get inside your mouth. If that’s not bad enough, food and drink are more likely to get stuck in there, making your mealtime messy and uncomfortable. 

The best solution is choosin a beard style without a moustache. Can it be done? The answer is yes, and it can be done in style. Read on to find out how to grow and style your moustacheless beard, and get inspired by our favourite facial hair trends. 

Should You Grow A Beard Without The Moustache

It’s down to personal preference really, but a beard style without a moustache does come with some added benefits like having less real estate to fuss over with grooming and styling. These particular beard styles for men are also a great way to make your jaw look wider and more defined. 

And caring for certain mustache styles can be difficult because the upper lip area is involved in drinking and eating. And a mustache beard is not always more attractive. 

If you’re still not convinced, then you should know that a full beard without an upper lip and neck hair is also called a ‘lion’s mane’. And what could be more badass than having a resemblance to the ultimate predator and symbol of virility?

15 Best Beard Styles Without Moustache For Men

There are many top beard styles out there and we’ve picked some of the most popular and iconic looks. Odds are you’re going to find one that vibes with your personal style and preferences. We will explore everything from the minimalistic soul patch to the really bushy and long beards and even circle beard styles. By the end of this list, you’ll be able to see that a beard without a moustache is not restrictive in style and can allow for a fair bit of creativity and daring. 


1. The Soul Patch

This beard style tends to be overlooked by many people. Mostly because they don’t understand how versatile this little patch of hair can be. It should cover the central area just below your lower lip and you can spice it up by letting it grow longer. You can also trim it to be skinny or wider to fit your features. 

The Soul Patch creates a point of interest on your face and gives you the chance to experience a beard with minimal grooming and trimming. You can rock this style with a clean shave, or a subtle stubble beard.


2. The Landing Strip 

This beard style is a combination between a soul patch and a goatee. It’s perfect if you’re looking for minimalistic statement looks and it’s also on the low maintenance list. You’ll have to be careful about placement because your Landing Strip beard should be perfectly centred on your chin.

This look requires trimming your hair in a literal strip that starts from just below your lower lip and spans the whole length of the chin. Your beard can be as narrow or as wide as you like, depending on your face shape and features. 


3. The Stubble Beard

There’s a reason why stubble beards are so popular. They look great on everybody, they add some serious manly vibes, and the upkeep is way less demanding than a full beard. You can grow a Stubble Beard without a mustache and it will not lose any of its charms.

Keep in mind that just because you’re dealing with stubble, beard care and trimming is still necessary. You’ll want your stubble to look intentional and properly groomed. Otherwise, instead of having an awesome beard style, you’ll end up looking like you forgot to shave.


4. The Classic Goatee

When in doubt, go for the classics. The goatee is a great beard style and it requires growing a beard that’s limited to your chin area. The classic goatee does not include a moustache and it resembles the tuft of hair you’d see on an actual goat, thus the name. 

Goatees are visually pleasing, they suit most faces and they require limited upkeep and styling. Your goatee can be trimmed short, or you can rock a longer version that allows for more creativity.


5. The Chinstrap

We love this beard style because it’s like DIY plastic surgery. You can basically use your facial hair to draw a line along your face to create that sharp, angled jawline everybody’s talking about. You can rock the Chinstrap even with a patchy beard and the results will still be impressive.

To achieve this look, you’ll have to trim your beard to create a band along the lower edge of your face. It should blend with your sideburns and follow your face’s contour to meet on the lower part of your chin. The width of your strap is up to you and the length of your hair should be kept on the shorter side, between 3 and 10 mm.


6. The Mutton Chops

You can get an instant boost of confidence with this old-timey beard style. It’s been around forever but most of us probably have an image of Marvel’s Wolverine (most recently played by Hugh Jackman) associated with this look. The Mutton Chops beard is a great example of how classic beard styles can be revitalized and given a modern twist. 

You can achieve this iconic beard by letting your facial hair grow from your sideburns along your cheeks without meeting in the center of your face. Your upper lip and chin areas should be hairless so the attention is diverted towards the edges of your face. This style works great on a diamond face shape. 


7. The Chinstrap and Goatee

This beard style is a great way to enjoy the best of both worlds. A chinstrap will help define your jaw and create some width and definition. The goatee element will let you enjoy the feeling of a more sizable beard that you can style and trim to fit your features. 

You can rock this chinstrap goatee combo without a moustache and you can add some personal touches by growing your chin hair longer or defining the strap with a cool fade. This style is a great one to personalize and fine-tune to meet your personal taste. 


8. The Chin Curtain

This unique style of beard is a great fit for your more adventurous side. As the name cleverly suggests, it requires growing a beard that’s trimmed low on your face and extends in length away from the chin. 

It will require constant trimming to maintain and it’s a better fit for those who can grow a full beard without patchy areas. To grow a full chin curtain, you’ll want to achieve a bushy beard that hugs the contours of your face.


9. The Chin Puff

Another minimalist look worth checking out is the Chin Puff beard. It only requires growing a tiny patch of hair under the chin while keeping the rest of your face completely hairless. You can trim your puff to a stubble or go for the more daring approach and let it grow out.

Although it’s small in size, this beard style will require some precision trimming. You’ll need to find the right placement for your chin puff and you should always make sure that it’s set dead center. Anything less than perfect will make your chin look like it doesn’t align with the rest of your face.


10. The Braided Goatee

This is a beard style that will make you stand out in a crowd. It’s bold, it’s beautiful and it’s totally badass. You’ll need a long, and we do mean long, goatee that you can braid or adorn with beard beads. This impressive look has some serious Viking energy and it’s one of the most challenging beard styles on this list. 

You’ll need patience and commitment to get the length needed for braiding, but it’s worth the wait and energy. If you’re looking for an epic look, this is the one for you.


11. The Long Beard Without A Moustache

You don’t need a moustache to enjoy growing a gloriously long beard. You can trim your facial hair shorter on the sides and along the sideburns to keep it from looking wild. Keep the upper lip area clean with a close shave or trim your hair to a neat stubble. 

The challenge that comes with this beard style is keeping your lines clean and creating a smooth transition to your bearded areas. You’ll get a long beard without spending extra time on taming and styling a moustache. That’s a great win in our book. 


12. The Balbo Without A Moustache

This is a variation of the Balbo beard. It resembles a classic goatee, but it will require letting your chin hair extend along the jawline, without blending with your sideburns. The classic style also includes a floating moustache, but we think it’s a totally optional feature.

You’ll need to spend some time trimming and shaping to keep everything looking perfect and intentional. This look is easy to achieve and it’s also a good fit for patchy beard growth.


13. The Dutch Beard

If you’re a true fan of the iconic classical beard styles, then you’re already familiar with this one. The Dutch Beard is related to the Chin Curtain because it shouldn’t extend towards the cheek line. Your facial hair should blend with your sideburns to create a perfect contour of your face. 

Your chin hair should also extend to blend with the soul patch. This will create a very visually pleasing W shape. The length of your hair will be up to your personal preference,  but your beard should end with a very wide U shape, with perfectly trimmed rounded edges. The overall beard should be kept straight and well-groomed. 


14. The Full Beard Without A Moustache

Yes, it can be done. You can have the full beard experience and skip the moustache part that tends to get in the way. You’ll need to trim the edges along your cheekbones at a wider angle that goes towards your chin rather than the upper lip. The rest of your shaping and trimming will be the standard full beard routine. 

Like with any full beard style, you’ll need to keep the neckbeard short and keep the full, bushiest part of your beard around the chin. You’ll get an iconic look that puts an interesting twist on this classic beard style. 


15. The Amish Beard

Also known as the Lincoln beard after American president Abraham Lincoln, this style hardly requires any description. Chances are you had an image in your head as soon as you read the word Amish. This iconic style can be described as a chin curtain beard gone wild. 

We love Amish beards because they’re natural and unapologetic. And there’s nothing more freeing than letting your beard hair grow as it pleases. Such a beard requires some shaping and trimming to keep the moustache area clean, but that’s basically all the work you have to put in. 

How to Grow a Beard without the Moustache

Patience is essential here, no matter which of the beard styles without mustache you choose. Growing a beard without a mustache means that you’ll be regularly trimming or shaving the upper lip area while allowing the rest of your facial hairs to do their thing. Keeping your upper lip area hairless doesn’t take much effort and time, and it won’t take long until it becomes muscle memory and part of your daily beard care routine.

Growing a beard is often the biggest challenge and you can help speed up the process by making small lifestyle changes and implementing a good skin and beard care routine. 

Wait for 4 - 6 Weeks

Depending on your chosen beard style, you’ll have to wait up to 6 weeks for your beard to fill in. You’ll have to be strong and avoid the temptation of using a trimmer on any part of your face except the moustache area. 

It will obviously take less time if you’re going for a stubble beard and you’ll need to do a lot more trimming from the first stages of growth if you’ve chosen a more conservative beard like the Soul Patch or Chin Puff.

Eat Healthy Foods to Boost Beard Growth

Now seems like the appropriate time to quote the old adage that `we are what we eat`. If you want to boost your hair growth and help your body produce healthy hair fibres, then you’ll need to change your diet accordingly.

You might want to focus on food groups that are packed in proteins, good fats, and a good array of vitamins and minerals. Go for lean meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, beans, legumes, and fresh fruits. Having a balanced diet and opting out of stuff like fast food or sugary drinks can also be beneficial for your long-term health, so you can use that as an incentive to make these changes.

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Use Beard Care Products

You’ll need to take good care of your whiskers. No matter your chosen beard style, you’ll still need to create a good care routine and use products that will not only help your facial hairstyle, but will ensure that your hair stays healthy and strong. 

Your basic care routine should use a dedicated product like a beard shampoo to keep your facial hair clean, a moisturizing agent like beard oil to keep your hair hydrated and beard wax for styling and protection. 

You can add to this list of products depending on your beard style and needs. For example, if your beard gets dry in the winter months, you can use products that offer some extra moisture like a beard conditioner or beard mask. 

Maintaining Your Beard

A moustacheless beard will require some extra trimming and maintenance. Don’t skip on your care routine, and make sure to use a good beard comb or beard brush to detangle and straighten your hair. These steps might seem a bit much, but they are essential for maintaining a great beard. 

You can keep the upper lip area clean with a trimmer or use a razor to get a clean, perfect look. The amount of effort you’ll have to put into maintaining your look depends on your chosen beard style. The more fancy and precise, the more upkeep you’ll be doing.

Trimming a Beard without the Moustache

Trimming a beard without a moustache is exactly like trimming any type of beard. You’ll just need to keep certain areas hairless and focus on your beard.

You should always trim your beard after cleaning it and letting it dry out completely. You should also use a beard comb to detangle your hair and straighten it out. This will help you figure out the proper outline and spot any unruly hairs that tend to stick out. 

Wear facial hair in style. Some styles like the Chinstrap beard and the Mutton Chops beard have well-defined lines, and you’ll need to spend more time trimming to keep those lines neat and precise. This will involve using a trimmer to keep your length even and a precision trimmer or a razor to define your lines. You can trim the ends of your beard with a pair of beard scissors for optimum control. 

The best advice when trimming any style of beard is to take it one step at a time. Especially if you’re new at this, start small and adjust as you go. For example, try using larger guards for your trimmer and gradually changing them to smaller ones. Doing a rushed job can ruin the whole look, so take a deep breath and start trimming your new glorious moustacheless beard. 

A True Warrior Doesn’t Need A Moustache To Grow A Beard Worthy Of Valhalla 

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